The road distance between Bangalore to Jaisalmer is 2024 km, while the aerial distance from Bangalore to Jaisalmer is 1697 km.
There are no direct flights or trains or buses between Bangalore to Jaisalmer.The convenient way to reach from Bangalore to Jaisalmer is to take IndiGo from Bangalore to New Delhi then take Hwh Jsm Exp from New Delhi to Jaisalmer.The fastest way to reach Jaisalmer from Bangalore is to take Jet Airways from Bangalore to Jodhpur then take Tata Indica from Jodhpur to Jaisalmer.The cheapest way to reach Jaisalmer from Bangalore is to take Vivek Exp from Bangalore to Ahmedabad then take State transport bus from Ahmedabad to Jaisalmer. check out our new Jaisalmer student tour package
There is no direct connectivity of flight between Bangalore and Jaisalmer. You can take IndiGo from Bangalore to New Delhi then take Hwh Jsm Exp from New Delhi to Jaisalmer.
There is no direct train between Bangalore and Jaisalmer. You can take IndiGo from Bangalore to Jaipur then take Svdk Adi Exp from Jaipur to Marwar then take train with train number 04801 from Marwar to Jaisalmer
There is no direct bus between Bangalore and Jaisalmer. You can take Taxi from Bangalore to Ahmedabad then take State transport bus from Ahmedabad to Jaisalmer