Distance between Ahmedabad to Jaisalmer is 533 km by Road and 742 km by Rails. Aerial distance is 463 km.
By Train
There is/are 1 direct train(s) from Ahmedabad to Jaisalmer. These train(s) is/are Bdts Jsm Exp (22931) etc. The minimum time a train takes to reach Jaisalmer from Ahmedabad is 14h 01m. The fastest way to reach Jaisalmer from Ahmedabad takes you 9h 36m, which is to take Indica from Ahmedabad to Dhari then take Jay Khodiyar Bus Service from Dhari to Lathi then take a taxi from Lathi to Jaisalmer.The cheapest way to reach Jaisalmer from Ahmedabad takes you 12h 46m, which is to take Ajmer Intercity from Ahmedabad to Marwar then take train with train number 04801 from Marwar to Jaisalmer. check out our new Jaisalmer student tour package
Direct bus between Ahmedabad and Jaisalmer is available. Best to take State transport bus from Ahmedabad to Jaisalmer